This prestigious regatta features South Shore children from Weymouth, Braintree, Quincy, Hingham, Hull, Marshfield, Scituate, Norwell, Hanover and other boating communities.

Sailing Since 1937
During QBRWA’s 82 year history, Race Week Activities and Events included the races, a parade a beauty pageant and rendezvous night. Over time these events have evolved in to the present day QBRWA activities. these include the Inside Lin Races for the Juniors and the Outside Line Racing events. Nothing has endured and been more meaningful than the Junior events. Both member children and nonmember participants are filled with the passion and the joy that comes from being involved with other youth in a competition requiring skill, camaraderie ad, knowledge and enthusiasm.
QBRWA’s monthly meetings are open to anyone who is interested in promoting boating/sailing and boating safety on the South Shore. Many just want to get involved in the Regatta.
Fund Raising Events Many of you ask, “why fundraising?”. In the past the Year Book sales were essential to cover the cost of Race Week. During the past three years we have reduced the costs of producing the year book and have also eliminated the annual dues that each Yacht Club always paid for membership in QBRWA. Our organization is now able to sustain itself without adding additional financial burden to its member clubs.
QBRWA Scholarships
Our fundraising activities have now allowed QBRWA to offer several generous scholarships each year to any child of a member of one of our eight participating Yacht Clubs that is entering or enrolled in college or trade school.
Rendezvous Night
Rendezvous Night is an adult event fundraiser that is held annually on the Saturday Night following race week. This function starts off with a dock party followed by dinner and entertainment. The participating Yacht Clubs provide host boats for the dock party.
We Are 8 Yacht Clubs Strong
Quincy Bay Race Week Association
Eight South Shore Yacht Clubs make up the Quincy Bay Race Week Association. Each club is represented by their Commodores and delegates.
Braintree Yacht Club
The Braintree Yacht Club (BYC) is a collaborative-style organization, in which the members work together to maintain all facets of club facilities and operations. The club takes pride in its “do it yourself” attitude, building and maintaining its extensive float system and all club equipment. Not only does this keep costs down, but it also promotes a spirit of camaraderie that is second to none!
Metropolitan Yacht Club
One of the finest boating facilities in the Northeast: sheltered, full floating docks, electricity and water at every ship, telephones and cable TV available, a beautiful clubhouse, swimming pool, storage units, new travel lift, gasoline for our members and general public, and a completely dredged basin. We are proud members of the Quincy Bay and Mass Bay and the Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla. Full facilities for every type of activity – let’s be thankful for the efforts of our devoted earlier members who put so much of their personal time and labor into making the club great.
Quincy Yacht Club
At the time of the July 4 regatta in 1874, “Captain” H. M. Federhen of the yacht LENA extended an invitation to participating yachtsmen to meet at his home July 10. While the purposes of this meeting were not stated, it is evident that he was preparing the way for the organization of local yachtsmen. As a result of this gathering, another meeting was held Thursday, July 23, 1874 in his boat house at Quincy Point. There the Quincy Yacht Club was organized.
South Shore Yacht Club
Squantum Yacht Club
SYC is home to some of the most stunning views of the Boston skyline and Harbor Islands. As a social or boating member, you get 24/7 access to the club, daily launch service during boating season (boating members only), tap and food service in our pub, access to all member activities and much more.
Town River Yacht Club
The Town River Yacht Club boasts three hundred fifty members, a two hundred plus boat marina, junior floats for over twenty five sailboats, and land facilities for the winter storage of all these boats-a far cry from our humble beginnings one hundred years ago. Under the leadership of Mr. Eugene R. Stone, a former mayor of Quincy, twenty local boat owners decided to form a boat club under the name Town River Yacht Club. Mr. Stone was elected our first Commodore with Jethro R. Mellen, Vice Commodore, Elijah P. Barrows, Secretary, and Arthur A. Richardson, Treasurer. They later applied for and received a charter for incorpo-ration as a yacht club. This charter presently hangs in the members’ room bear-ing the signatures of the original charter members.
Wessagussett Yacht Club
Wessagussett Yacht Club is a cooperative/member maintained, full service yacht club for both power boaters and sailors. It is located on the shore of North Weymouth at the mouth of the Weymouth Fore River adjacent to Wessagussett Beach. From the club members enjoy quick and easy access to boating on the South Shore including Quincy Bay, Boston Harbor, Hingham Bay, World’s End and the Back and Fore Rivers.
Wollaston Yacht Club
Wollaston Yacht Club is conveniently located on Wollaston Beach in Quincy, Massachusetts. The purpose of the Wollaston Yacht Club is to promote boating and member related activities and social functions in an affordable, family friendly environment. Keeping a boat at WYC is affordable, and fun filled!